
Title / A Drift Towards Inertia


Date / May 2015


Materials / Wooden box filled with soil and cress, helium filled weather balloon, watering can filled with cyanotype solution, nylon tether (50m), muslin and string.


Process / For the performance, a tethered weather balloon was covered with a cyanotype solution and suspended 50 meters in the sky through an open skylight before being released, in an attempt to connect the gallery space with the sky above. All that remained for the remainder of the exhibition was evidence of the absent object - soil and cress partially developed blue and a coiled length of tether.


Exhibited / Fine Art Degree Show 2015 ~ Kingston University, Kingston Upon Thames, London.

"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art"


"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art"


Title / A Drift Towards Inertia


Date / May 2015


Materials / Wooden box filled with soil and cress, helium filled weather balloon, watering can filled with cyanotype solution, nylon tether (50m), muslin and string.


Process / For the performance, a tethered weather balloon was covered with a cyanotype solution and suspended 50 meters in the sky through an open skylight before being released, in an attempt to connect the gallery space with the sky above. All that remained for the remainder of the exhibition was evidence of the absent object - soil and cress partially developed blue and a coiled length of tether.


Exhibited / Fine Art Degree Show 2015 ~ Kingston University, Kingston Upon Thames, London.

"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art"


Title / A Drift Towards Inertia


Date / May 2015


Materials / Wooden box filled with soil and cress, helium filled weather balloon, watering can filled with cyanotype solution, nylon tether (50m), muslin and string.


Process / For the performance, a tethered weather balloon was covered with a cyanotype solution and suspended 50 meters in the sky through an open skylight before being released, in an attempt to connect the gallery space with the sky above. All that remained for the remainder of the exhibition was evidence of the absent object - soil and cress partially developed blue and a coiled length of tether.


Exhibited / Fine Art Degree Show 2015 ~ Kingston University, Kingston Upon Thames, London.

"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art"