
Title / A Moment's Hesitation Over the Edge of the Precipice


Date /  April 2020


Description / A digitally rendered composition comprised of a suspended ceiling - such as would commonly be found in an office - hanging in an otherwise empty space. Penetrating the ceiling hangs a looped length of steel cable, which swings continuously from side to side.



Title / A Moment's Hesitation Over the Edge of the Precipice


Date /  April 2020


Description / A digitally rendered composition comprised of a suspended ceiling - such as would commonly be found in an office - hanging in an otherwise empty space. Penetrating the ceiling hangs a looped length of steel cable, which swings continuously from side to side.


Title / A Moment's Hesitation Over the Edge of the Precipice


Date /  April 2020


Description / A digitally rendered composition comprised of a suspended ceiling - such as would commonly be found in an office - hanging in an otherwise empty space. Penetrating the ceiling hangs a looped length of steel cable, which swings continuously from side to side.