
Title / "We scorn what we eat, we eat what we despise"


Date /  May 2019


Description / A digitally rendered image of a sarcophagus. The sarcophagus depicts a lying, shrouded figure, and has been fabricated as a free-standing, life-size cardboard cut-out.


Dimensions / 220cm(w) x 130cm(h), depth variable


Exhibited / Castlefield Gallery New Art Space ~ Trafford Centre, Manchester (May 2019)

                    Manchester Open 2020 ~ HOME, Manchester (January-April, 2020)

"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art" "CGI"
"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art" "CGI"


"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art" "CGI"
"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art" "CGI"


Title / "We scorn what we eat, we eat what we despise"


Date /  May 2019


Description / A digitally rendered image of a sarcophagus. The sarcophagus depicts a lying, shrouded figure, and has been fabricated as a free-standing, life-size cardboard cut-out.


Dimensions / 220cm(w) x 130cm(h), depth variable


Exhibited / Castlefield Gallery New Art Space ~ Trafford Centre, Manchester

                    (May 2019)


                    Manchester Open 2020 ~ HOME, Manchester (January - April 2020)

"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art" "CGI"
"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art" "CGI"


Title / "We scorn what we eat, we eat what we despise"


Date /  May 2019


Materials / A digitally rendered image of a sarcophagus. The sarcophagus depicts a lying, shrouded figure, and has been fabricated as a free-standing, life-size cardboard cut-out.


Dimensions / 220cm(w) x 130cm(h), depth variable


Exhibited / Castlefield Gallery New Art

                    Space ~ Trafford Centre,

                    Manchester (May 2019)


                    Manchester Open 2020 ~

                    HOME, Manchester

                    (January - April 2020)

"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art" "CGI"
"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art" "CGI"